Lund Tyee Behind Windshield Downrod system for LVS34 all views (BTM-18A-C42-LVS34Multiview)
(IMPORTANT NOTE: image reflects older Tyee version with 90 sport track – this build is for the version with the angled sport track using this bracket)
This mounting is for Lund Tyee series boats that utilize the 42 degree sport track behind the windshield.
Baseplate spans from the track out to the rub rail to hold the downrod. Only available in Aluminum as the span of the baseplate is quite long and plastic baseplates will wiggle a lot at that span.
Downrod system is made for the LVS34 transducer and supports Forward Down and Perspective views.
The downrod is completely removable from the baseplate just by picking it up. The baseplate is removable from the sport track bracket by either removing the 2 thumbscrews or by removing the bracket from the sport track itself.
Strain relief is built into the system through the use of the 2 nylon thumbscrews. At overpressure from ANY direction, the thumbscrews will release and prevent damage to downrod, transducer, boat, mounting etc.
Transducer cables run through the downrod for protection and ease of cable managmement.
This is the fastest to use and most reliable system available for scanning sonar transducers.
Downrod has telescoping 12-18 inch handle shaft that also can be adjusted for angle or laid parallel to downrod for easy stowage.
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